My Blog

Does Microblading Hurt?
I hear yeh, my friends friend had the treatment and she said it was the most painful experience ever! Not, with proper technique does it hurt, there's a little discomfort, but not much more than that!
With so many people trained in Microblading, having completed 1-2 days training and possibly online and not even attending any form of classroom training or assessment, it's imperative to do your research.
A teeny blade is used to create super realistic hairstrokes in the skin which can be from 0.18 mm - 0.40 mm in wide (teeny). The blades made up of 7-21 pins (still teeny). There's three layers to the skin and we work in the second layer, just in the upper dermis. If you hit the outer layer of skin, the pigment will flake off during healing, if you go too deep the subcantaneous layer of skin, it's going to be painful and can cause scarring. You need to find a technician who's knowledgeable and has good technique. We use visual and audio aids to assess our depth in the skin. It should sound like Velcro with each stroke and you'll see teeny pockets of blood and lymphatic fluid, which are found in the optimum depth we work at. When we hit the upper dermis, this is called the "sweet spot" and that sweet spot is different from client to client. Skin texture and level of elasticity is unique and it takes practice over 100's of canvases (skin) to get this right.
This is why we're hearing it hurts! Too many technicians are going far too deep and it will heal to block of colour, opposed to a clean, crisp hairstroke. Read our clients reviews, not one person says it's hurts! Some experience slight discomfort and others say it doesn't hurt at all!
There's other technical components too! Stretch, depth, pace, body positioning, but we'll leave that there for now and address these in our future blogs!
Thanks for reading!